Andrew Chiaramonte
Chiaramonte Films, Inc.
Director / Writer / Producer
Chiaramonte Films, Inc.
The Hollywood Reporter declared, “Chiaramonte Films has brought a new Dimension to TV and the music business. Very few people can significantly influence the development of an artistic medium, and fewer still are instrumental in the creation of an entirely new art form. Andrew Chiaramonte has accomplished both.
After graduation from NYU, Chiaramonte promoted a revolutionary concept involving advertising record albums on television. An entirely new idea at the time. Among the literally hundreds of artists that his creativity touched are: The Beatles, The Sex Pistols, Randy Newman, Alice Cooper, Bob Marley, The Temptations, Rod Stewart, Crosby/Nash, Isaac Hayes, Stevie Wonder, Freddie Fender, Diana Ross, and The Jackson Five. His utilization of subliminal editing, laser imagery and animation are remembered by insiders as truly pioneering work.
Chiaramonte’s creative evolution continued as writer while three of his screenplays have been produced with him as Director: “Twogether”, “Adams Package” and “Young and Cursed”. Among his other screenplays are “The Perfect Candidate”, “Ricardo Del Rey”, “For the Life of Riley”, “Shriek”, “Looking Good”, “Busted Blues Express”, and the adaptations of Barbara Chase-Riboud’s novel, “Sally Hemmings” and Deidre S. Laiken’s Edgar award-winning novel, “Death Among Strangers”. Also, “John Doe Trouble”, an action-revenge film suggested by an actual event and “Smiler”, a holocaust survival movie based on the life of Dolfi Smiler. With Emmett Alston, “X-13”, a grand scale Sci-Fi action-romance and “Stunt Driver” about the kidnapping of a starlet while filming in the Republic of Georgia.
Sony Pictures acquired “Twogether”, Chiaramonte’s feature film directorial debut. Kevin Thomas in his Los Angeles Times review stated, “Twogether” is a terrific love story, one of those independently made intimate movies that comes out of nowhere to captivate you with its passion and integrity.” The film had its world premiere in Cannes and went on to screen in competition at the Avignon Film Festival, Cairo Film Festival, Rio De Janeiro Film Festival, and Worldfest, Charleston.
“Twogether” is currently being distributed by Freestyle Digital Films, a division of Byron Allen’s Entertainment Studios. “Adams Package”, co-written and directed by Chiaramonte, is currently in release and streaming world-wide, while “Young and Cursed”, a journey into the eternal battle between good and evil, also co-written and directed by Chiaramonte, has recently been completed and is being submitted for festival consideration.